Results for 'Charlie W. McDonald'

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  1.  30
    A novel ego dissolution scale: A construct validation study.Fiona G. Sleight, Steven Jay Lynn, Richard E. Mattson & Charlie W. McDonald - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 109 (C):103474.
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    Corrigendum to “A novel ego dissolution scale: A construct validation study” [Conscious. Cogn. 109 (2023) 103474].Fiona G. Sleight, Steven Jay Lynn, Richard E. Mattson & Charlie W. McDonald - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 114 (C):103555.
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  3. Krampe, RT, 61 Liu, I.-m., 149 Mandler, JM, 307 Mayr, U., 61.J. McDonald, B. Dodd, B. Franks, E. Gibson, J. Hampton, P. C. Hansen, G. Hickok, A. Holm, W. S. Horton & J. E. Isaacs - 1996 - Cognition 59:359.
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    Age and fertility: Can women wait until their early thirties to try for a first birth?John W. Mcdonald, Alessandro Rosina, Ester Rizzi & Bernardo Colombo - 2011 - Journal of Biosocial Science 43 (6):685-700.
    SummaryPostponing the start of childbearing raises the question of fertility postponed versus fertility foregone. One of the limitations of previous studies of ‘How late can you wait?’ is that any observed decline in the probability of conception with age could be due to a decline in fecundability with age or due to a decline in coital frequency with age or due to both factors. Using data from a multinational longitudinal study conducted to determine the daily probability of conception among healthy (...)
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    Investigating Flow State and Cardiac Pre-ejection Period During Electronic Gaming Machine Use.W. Spencer Murch, Mario A. Ferrari, Brooke M. McDonald & Luke Clark - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Methamphetamine: Tools and Partnerships to Fight the Threat.James Chamberlain, Sherri McDonald, Kirk Torgensen & Fay W. Boozman - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (S4):104-105.
  7. Populism: Unacceptable Danger Or Legitimate Weapon? [REVIEW]W. Mcdonald - 1993 - Humanitas 6 (2):117-120.
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    Reframing Recruitment: Evaluating Framing in Authorization for Research Contact Programs.Candace D. Speight, Charlie Gregor, Yi-An Ko, Stephanie A. Kraft, Andrea R. Mitchell, Nyiramugisha K. Niyibizi, Bradley G. Phillips, Kathryn M. Porter, Seema K. Shah, Jeremy Sugarman, Benjamin S. Wilfond & Neal W. Dickert - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (3):206-213.
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  9. The Last Man of Letters? The Singular Life of Russell Kirk. [REVIEW]W. Mcdonald - 1995 - Humanitas 8 (2):68-72.
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  10. Agora and Bazaar.W. A. Mcdonald - 1944 - Classical Weekly 38:158-159.
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  11. Barker, Philip, Michel Foucault: Subversions of the Subject.W. McDonald - 1995 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 73:631-631.
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    Die Nestorerzahlung im XI Gesang der Ilias.W. A. McDonald & Rato Cantieni - 1950 - American Journal of Philology 71 (1):104.
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  13. Russell Kirk and the Prospects for Conservatism.W. Mcdonald - 1999 - Humanitas 12 (1):56-76.
  14. Kierkegaard’s Concepts, Tome IV: Individual to Novel.S. Emmanuel, W. McDonald & J. Stewart (eds.) - 2014 - Ashgate.
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    The impact of rural–urban migration on under-two mortality in india.Rob Stephenson, Zoe Matthews & J. W. Mcdonald - 2003 - Journal of Biosocial Science 35 (1):15-31.
    This paper examines the impact of ruralurban migrant and non-migrant groups. The selectivity of ruralurban migrants and rural non-migrants. Problems faced by migrants in assimilating into urban societies create mortality differentials between ruralchild mortality. Further research is needed to understand the health care needs of rural–urban migrants in order to inform the provision of appropriate health care.
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    An activation–verification model for letter and word recognition: The word-superiority effect.Kenneth R. Paap, Sandra L. Newsome, James E. McDonald & Roger W. Schvaneveldt - 1982 - Psychological Review 89 (5):573-594.
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    Growth fundamentalism in dying rural towns:Implications for rural development practitioners. [REVIEW]Curtis W. Stofferahn, Cordell A. Fontaine, Douglas J. McDonald, Mike Spletto & Holly Jeanotte - 1991 - Agriculture and Human Values 8 (3):25-34.
    In our paper we will try to connect the dynamics of community decline to individual responses. We will operate on two levels of reality. At the first level we will discuss the circumstances surrounding the recent decline of small communities in North Dakota. At the second level we will discuss how this decline affects small town residents' attitudes toward economic development. In the first level analysis we examine the thesis that the natural environment of community growth is economic exploitation; therefore, (...)
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    The History of al-Ṭabarī, Vol. VI: Muhammad at MeccaThe History of al-Ṭabarī, Vol. VII: The Foundation of the Community: Muhammad at Al-Madina, A. D. 622-626/Hijrah-4 A.HThe History of al-Ṭabarī, Vol. IX: The Last Years of the Prophet. The Formation of the State, A. D. 630-632/A. H. 8-11The History of al-Tabari, Vol. VI: Muhammad at MeccaThe History of al-Tabari, Vol. VII: The Foundation of the Community: Muhammad at Al-Madina, A. D. 622-626/Hijrah-4 A.HThe History of al-Tabari, Vol. IX: The Last Years of the Prophet. The Formation of the State, A. D. 630-632/A. H. 8-11. [REVIEW]A. Rippin, W. Montgomery Watt, M. V. McDonald & Ismail K. Poonawala - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (3):463.
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    Doctors' views of clinical practice guidelines: a qualitative exploration using innovation theory.Joanne M. Hader, Robin White, Steven Lewis, Jeanette L. B. Foreman, Paul W. McDonald & Laurence G. Thompson - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):601-606.
  20. Fast machine-learning online optimization of ultra-cold-atom experiments.P. B. Wigley, P. J. Everitt, A. van den Hengel, J. W. Bastian, M. A. Sooriyabandara, G. D. McDonald, K. S. Hardman, C. D. Quinlivan, P. Manju, C. C. N. Kuhn, I. R. Petersen, A. N. Luiten, J. J. Hope, N. P. Robins & M. R. Hush - 2016 - Sci. Rep 6:25890.
    We apply an online optimization process based on machine learning to the production of Bose-Einstein condensates. BEC is typically created with an exponential evaporation ramp that is optimal for ergodic dynamics with two-body s-wave interactions and no other loss rates, but likely sub-optimal for real experiments. Through repeated machine-controlled scientific experimentation and observations our ’learner’ discovers an optimal evaporation ramp for BEC production. In contrast to previous work, our learner uses a Gaussian process to develop a statistical model of the (...)
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    Cognitive correlates of hallucinations and delusions in Parkinson’s disease.S. A. Factor, M. K. Scullin, A. B. Sollinger, J. O. Land, C. Wood-Siverio, L. Zanders, A. Freeman, D. L. Bliwise, W. M. McDonald & F. C. Goldstein - 2014 - Journal of the Neurological Sciences 347 (1-2):316–21.
    BACKGROUND: Hallucinations and delusions that complicate Parkinson’s disease could lead to nursing home placement and are linked to increased mortality. Cognitive impairments are typically associated with the presence of hallucinations but there are no data regarding whether such a relationship exists with delusions. OBJECTIVE: We hypothesized that hallucinations would be associated with executive and visuospatial disturbance. An exploratory examination of cognitive correlates of delusions was also completed to address the question of whether they differ from hallucinations. METHODS: 144 PD subjects (...)
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    Pursuing the Honorable: Reawakening Honor in the Modern Military. By Justin M. Anderson and Kenneth W. McDonald[REVIEW]Joseph W. Koterski - 2020 - International Philosophical Quarterly 60 (1):117-118.
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    The Editors extend their sincere appreciation to the following persons who served as invited reviewers between May 1999 and April 2000. [REVIEW]Don Bialostosky, Barbara Biesecker, Walter Brogan, Thomas Farrell, Maurice Finocchiaro, William W. Fortenbaugh, Eugene Garver, Gerard A. Hauser, Drew Hyland & Michael McDonald - 2000 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 33 (4).
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    Florence Nightingale on Society and Politics, Philosophy, Science, Education and Literature: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 5.Lynn McDonald (ed.) - 2006 - Wilfrid Laurier Press.
    Florence Nightingale on Society and Politics, Philosophy, Science, Education and Literature, Volume 5 in the Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, is the main source of Nightingale’s work on the methodology of social science and her views on social reform. Here we see how she took her “call to service” into practice: by first learning how the laws of God’s world operate, one can then determine how to intervene for good. There is material on medical statistics, the census, pauperism and Poor (...)
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    Philip V of Macedon F. W. Walbank: Philip V of Macedon. Pp. xi+387. (Hare Prize Essay, 1939.) Cambridge: University Press, 1940. Cloth, 18s. net. [REVIEW]A. H. McDonald - 1942 - The Classical Review 56 (03):123-125.
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    Per Vim Aut Metum A. W. Lintott: Violence in Republican Rome. Pp. xi+234. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968. Cloth, £2·25 net. [REVIEW]A. H. McDonald - 1973 - The Classical Review 23 (02):239-241.
  27. Introduction, Gayne Anacker and Tim Mosteller 1. Philosophy in The Abolition of Man / Adam Pelser 2. Natural Moral Law in The Abolition of Man / Micah Watson 3. Education in The Abolition of Man / Mark Pike 4. Literature in The Abolition of Man/ Charlie W. Starr 5. Is The Abolition of Man Conservative? / Francis J. Beckwith 6. Theology, Faith and Reason in The Abolition of Man / Judith Wolfe 7. Science in The Abolition of Man / David Ussery 8. Biotechnology in The Abolition of Man / James Herrick 9. That Hideous Strength and The Abolition of Man. [REVIEW]Scott Key - 2017 - In Timothy M. Mosteller & Gayne John Anacker, Contemporary perspectives on C.S. Lewis' The abolition of man: history, philosophy, education, and science. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an Imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
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    Book Reviews : Lynn McDonald, The Early Origins of the Social Sciences. McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal, Kingston, London, and Buffalo, NY, 1993. Pp. ix, 397, index. [REVIEW]Garry W. Trompf - 1995 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 25 (2):261-264.
  29.  10
    Lectures on Metaphysics, 1934-1935.G. E. Moore, Alice Ambrose & Margaret Mcdonald - 1992 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    These notes of G. E. Moore's lectures for the three terms of 1934-1935 were compiled by Alice Ambrose, then Student of Newnham College, and Margaret Macdonald, then Fellow of Girton College. The lectures cover a wealth of interrelated topics, and provide instances of the analyses which made Moore «the father of the analytic school.» Since his analyses of such concepts as material objects, sense data, and truth rest on the ordinary use of expressions for these concepts, «ordinary language» philosophers found (...)
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    Iethics.Wade M. Chumney & Tammy W. Cowart - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (3):471-482.
    Nike. McDonald’s Apple. These companies and many others invest millions of dollars each year protecting that one thing that distinguishes them in the marketplace – a trademark. A company’s trademark is the symbol that allows consumers to know that they are dealing with a particular company. This article addresses the extent to which some companies will go to obtain and protect a trademark. Specifically, it will address the fight between Cisco and Apple over the iPhone trademark, as both companies (...)
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    W. A. McDonald and G. R. Rapp: The Minnesota Messenia Expedition: Reconstructing a Bronze Age Regional Environment. Pp. xviii + 338; 16 pls., 63 figs., 21 maps. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press , 1972. Cloth, £11·25. [REVIEW]John Boardman - 1974 - The Classical Review 24 (2):308-308.
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  32. Some School Books - 1. W. Michael Wilson: Latin Comprehensions. Pp. 123. London:Macmillan, 1969. Paper, 40p. - 2. David G. Frater: Aere Perennius. Pp. xi+119. London: Macmillan. 1968. Limp cloth, 75P. - 3. A. Mcdonald and S. J. Miller: Greek Unprepared Translation. (Modern School Classics.) Pp.191. London: Macmillan, 1969. Cloth, £1.25. - 4. B. Halifax: Small Latin. A Reader for Beginners. Pp. 96; maps, plates, and drawings. Slough: Centaur Books, 1969. Paper, 52p. - 5. Carla. P. Ruck: Ancient Greek. ANew Approach. First Experimental Edition. Pp. xv+599; drawings. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1968. Paper, £6. - 6. Sidney Morris: A Programmed Latin Course. Part ii. Pp. 301; ill. London: Methuen, 1968. Cloth, £1.50. - 7. E. C. Kennedy: Caesar, De Bello Gallico vi. (Palatine Classics.) Pp. viii+162; 4 plates, maps and plans. London: University Tutorial Press, 1969. Cloth, 57½p. - 8. H. C. Fay: Plautus, Rudens. (Palatine Classics.) Pp. viii+221; ill. London: University Tutorial Press, 1. [REVIEW]Robert Glen - 1972 - The Classical Review 22 (1):96-99.
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    Aesthetics and Language. Essays by W. B. Gallie, Gilbert Ryle, Beryl Lake, Arnold Isenberg, Stuart Hampshire, J. A. Passmore, O. K. Bouwsma, Margaret McDonald, Helen Knight, and Paul Ziff. Edited with an introduction by William Elton. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954. Pp. 186. $6.00. [REVIEW]Bernard Suits - 1955 - Philosophy of Science 22 (3):235-.
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    Falling From the Sky: Trauma in Perec's W and Caruth's Unclaimed Experience.Eleanor Kaufman - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (4):44-53.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Falling From the Sky: Trauma in Perec’s W and Caruth’s Unclaimed ExperienceEleanor Kaufman (bio)1 Fear of FallingIt is not surprising to find a link between trauma and falling in an entire strain of postwar literature. It is arguably the case that, in the wake of the Spanish Civil War and World War II, a new and more aerial form of spatial perception came into prominence, one in which something (...)
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    Beautiful democracy: aesthetics and anarchy in a global era.Russ Castronovo - 2007 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The photographer and reformer Jacob Riis once wrote, “I have seen an armful of daisies keep the peace of a block better than a policeman and his club.” Riis was not alone in his belief that beauty could tame urban chaos, but are aesthetic experiences always a social good? Could aesthetics also inspire violent crime, working-class unrest, and racial murder? To answer these questions, Russ Castronovo turns to those who debated claims that art could democratize culture—civic reformers, anarchists, novelists, civil (...)
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    A Tale of Three Zoras: Barbara Johnson and Black Women Writers.Hortense J. Spillers - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (1):94-97.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Tale of Three Zoras:Barbara Johnson and Black Women WritersHortense J. Spillers (bio)Talking about Zora Neale Hurston is like approaching the Sphinx—so much riddle, so many faces, and all of it occurring on fairly high holy ground since Alice Walker's remarkable discovery a couple of decades ago.1 But Barbara Johnson's criticism cracks the code on Her Majesty and brings the sign vehicle—"Zora Neale Hurston"—to the table of juxtapositions and (...)
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  37. The Reconstruction of Patriotism: Education for Civic Consciousness.Morris Janowitz - 1983 - University of Chicago Press.
    "A meticulous, well-tuned examination of what Janowitz says is the decline of civic thought in America, and what might be done to restore it.... The patriotism Janowitz proposes to reconstruct is not the sort of narrow nationalism your political science professor may have warned you about—patriotism as 'the last refuge of a scoundrel.' It is instead a patriotism that intelligently appreciates life in a democratic land."—Robert Marquand, _The Christian Science Monitor_ "In _The Reconstruction of Patriotism,_ Morris Janowitz... places a national-service (...)
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    Religion in psychodynamic perspective: the contributions of Paul W. Pruyser.Paul W. Pruyser - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by H. Newton Malony & Bernard Spilka.
    At his death in 1987, Paul W. Pruyser of the Menninger Foundation was widely recognized as one of America's foremost authorities on the psychology of religion. His book A Dynamic Psychology of Religion set the stage for creative dialogue on the subject. In this volume, two leading practitioners in the field present a compilation of Pruyser's seminal articles, providing an overview of the major themes in Pruyser's thought. Newton Malony and Bernard Spilka evaluate Pruyser's viewpoint and suggest how his position (...)
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    Schütte Kurt. Zur Widerspruchsfreiheit einer typenfreien Logik. Mathematische Annalen, Bd. 125 Heft 4 , S. 394–400.W. Ackermann - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (1):67-67.
  40. Stellar distances and stellar motions.W. S. Adams - 1922 - Scientia 16 (32):289.
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  41. The wholeness of the living organism.W. E. Agar - 1948 - Philosophy of Science 15 (3):179-191.
    The idea of organism, which of recent years has bulked so largely in scientific, and especially in biological, theory has been developed mainly in reference to living organisms, and has been extended to cover such systems as human societies, crystals, molecules and atoms—and indeed the whole universe has been interpreted as an organism. This use of the term, however, includes different ways in which parts may be together in a system. The belief that the principle of organism has been wrongly (...)
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    Heuristics used in reasoning with multiple causes and effects.W. K. Ahn & Brian A. Nosek - 1998 - In Morton Ann Gernsbacher & Sharon J. Derry, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Lawerence Erlbaum. pp. 24--29.
  43.  13
    History and Romance in Graeco-Oriental Literature.W. F. Albright & Martin Braun - 1945 - American Journal of Philology 66 (1):100.
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    Les monades. Etienne Bonnot de Condillac, Laurence L. Bongie.W. Albury - 1983 - Isis 74 (1):131-132.
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    Studia Orientalia Ioanni Pedersen Septuagenario A. D. VII Id. Nov. Anno MCMLIII a Collegis Discipulis Amicis Dicata.W. F. Albright & Flemming Hvidberg - 1956 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 76 (4):233.
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    The Conclusion of Esarhaddon's Broken Prism.W. F. Albright - 1915 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 35:391-393.
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    The Idea of History in the Ancient near East.W. F. Albright & Robert C. Dentan - 1956 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 76 (4):236.
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    The Origin of the Name Cilicia.W. F. Albright - 1922 - American Journal of Philology 43 (2):166.
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    Critical Notes: Seneca's Dialogi I-VI.W. H. Alexander - 1933 - American Journal of Philology 54 (4):353.
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  50. Die Mathematik als grundlage der Kritik wissenschaftliche philosophischer Weltanschauung.W. G. Alexejeff - 1904 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 57:330-331.
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